EnlightenNext magazine (2011, Issue 47) Andrew Cohen comments on his journey seeking spiritual illumination and transitioning from seeker to finder. Having experienced Spirit at a soulful level, Andrew comments on seekers need to take responsibility in what it means to be a finder and relinquish desire for more evidence of Spirit, more miracles, and proof of the Divine's existence. Andrew comments on his move into participating in life consciously and wholeheartedly, living life 'now' with the "greatest gifts we've been given"(p.112).
I write in appreciation of Andrew's article. I to am a finder. I have experienced the Divine in many forms and initially developed a quest for more and more mystic experiences. I had to learn to move on from compiling evidence and seeking thrill from mysticism. Having now embraced being a finder, and taking responsibility for the role, I experience life from a place of true potential.