Slain Ego

My ego was slain in 1998. Through enlightenment my essence fully awakened. Our existence is One with the universe.

...for your fear of being locked in the world's limitations,

for your fear of the absurdity of existence...

for your creativity and ecstacy, 

for your maladjustment to that "which is" and adjustment to that which "ought to be,"

for your great but unutilized abilities...

for that which is prescient, unsaid, infinite in you...

Be greeted! (Dabrowski, 1972).

Giftedness: Thank You Dr. Silverman, I couldn't have said it better.

The Universal Experience of Being Out-of-Sync
Linda Silverman, Ph.D.
. . . the experience of being different in cultures that value sameness, coupled with acute awareness of the pain and suffering in the world, make the gifted feel distinctly disadvantaged. Gifted children don't see themselves as winners of the competition, but bearers of the burden to make this a better world for all. They only actualize their potential when they discover a unique role for themselves which requires their particular gifts.
. . .  Another way of understanding giftedness is to see it as developmental advancement. In every culture, there are children who develop at a faster pace from early childhood on, are inquisitive to a greater degree than their agemates, generalize concepts earlier than their peers, demonstrate advanced verbal or spatial capacities at an early age, have superb memories, grasp abstract concepts, love to learn, have a sophisticated sense of humor, prefer complexity, are extraordinarily insightful, have a passion for justice, are profoundly aware, and experience life with great intensity. While these traits may or may not propel the individual to world renown, they appear to correlate with moral sensitivity in childhood and ethical development in adult life (Silverman, 1994). Their sensitivity, intensity, awareness, and moral courage set these individuals apart from others throughout the lifespan. In some societies these characteristics are applauded while in others they are punished.
Giftedness is asynchronous development in which advanced cognitive abilities and heightened intensity combine to create inner experiences and awareness that are qualitatively different from the norm. This asynchrony increases with higher intellectual capacity. The uniqueness of the gifted renders them particularly vulnerable and requires modifications in parenting, teaching and counseling in order for them to develop optimally. (The Columbus Group, 1991).
. . . Internal asynchrony is due to differences in rates of physical, intellectual, emotional, social, and skill development in the gifted child. Uneven development is mirrored in external adjustment difficulties since the gifted person often feels different from, or out of place with, others . . . 
A child's mental age predicts the amount of knowledge he or she has mastered, the rate at which the child learns, sophistication of play, age of true peers, maturity of the child's sense of humor, ethical judgment, and awareness of the world. In contrast, chronological age predicts the child's height, physical coordination, handwriting speed, emotional needs, and social skills. The greater the degree to which cognitive development outstrips physical development, the more "out-of-sync" the child feels internally, in social relations, and in relation to the school curriculum.
The intelligence quotient . . . should be seen as a minimal estimate of asynchrony--the extent to which cognitive development (mental age) diverges from physical development (chronological age).
. . . There is still another form of asynchrony that needs to be mentioned: the condition of dual exceptionality. The most asynchronous child is one who is both highly gifted and learning disabled. A remarkable number of gifted children have either recognized or undetected learning disabilities, such as auditory processing weaknesses (Silverman, 1979), writing disabilities (Silverman, 1991), visual perception difficulties, spatial disorientation, dyslexia, and attentional deficits (Lovecky, 1991). Marked discrepancies between strengths and weaknesses continue into adult life.
One aspect of the Columbus Group definition that we still have not addressed is heightened intensity. Cognitive complexity gives rise to emotional depth and intensity. Thus, the gifted not only think differently from their peers, they also feel differently . . . Individuals endowed with greater capacity for vivid imagery, intellectual curiosity, compassion and empathy are more likely to experience anguish when faced with knowledge of the cruelty in the world. These overexcitabilities create the foundation for moral choices, even in children.
. . . Complexity, intensity, and heightened awareness are lifelong attributes of the gifted. These qualities often result in extraordinary conscience, a need to make the gift of life mean something in the overall pattern of existence. Lost potential to be an artist or a great scientist or statesman is surely harmful to the individual and to society, but loss of courage to take a stand against injustice causes much deeper suffering in these sensitive souls.
The asynchrony that besets the gifted is both a blessing and a curse. If we view giftedness only within a competitive framework, then the most gifted among us are certainly the most cursed, because they cannot fit into society as it currently is, nor can they succeed by its standards. They are likely to be seen as defective in today's world; they lack the competitive drive to win and they cannot comfortably "play the game" at school or work, ignoring the power plays and moral infractions. Advanced, asynchronous development is not an advantage in a race toward personal gain. It does not give the individual an edge in the competition. Rather, the cognitive and personality traits that comprise giftedness are disadvantages in a society in which those differences are not valued.
. . .We who cherish gifted children have been entrusted with guiding and guarding the
future of our planet. With our help, these children's gifts will become blessings to themselves and to the Universe.
Linda Silverman, Ph.D., is a licensed psychologist and Director of the Gifted Development Center in Denver, Colorado.G-50; 10

Universal Core Self Assessment Questionnaire

Identify areas in your life you wish to regain a greater sense of connection.

Life is filled with purpose and meaning
Life is good. I have things I want to accomplish
I feel generally motivated
I lack interest in life. I have little motivation to accomplish goals
Life has become meaningless
I feel a strong sense of connection with life
I feel connected to those important to me
Most important areas of my life seem balanced
I feel some distance from key relationships in my life
I feel disassociated or alienated from someone, things, and my Self
I feel a deep sense of reconciliation towards myself and others
There are no outstanding issues that are calling for forgiveness that I am aware of
I have made progress in forgiving others, including myself

I know areas I needs to work on to forgive others
I feel a strong sense of unforgiving towards myself and/or others
I have faith in myself and the world; we are connected, we are one.
I sense greater forces in the universe that extend beyond me.
I generally trust what the future holds for me
I sometimes question ‘why me?’
I am experiencing disconnected and hopelessness.

Spirits and Signs

I was 18, a first year psychology major, full of wonder, logic, and being conditioned with the art of science. I gave little thought to spirituality as at this time the mysteries of the universe were over shadowed by mystery of the mind as portrayed by Western psychology.

In October my cat of 9 years was poisoned by my neighbour. I had always felt my cat and I had a connection on an unspoken level of consciousness, a form of communication that I could not explain, a deep feeling, an understanding. I watched Duke’s health deteriorate over a two week period; it pained me to see him suffering. It was at this time I discovered what it meant to look into one’s eyes and see their soul. What it meant to look into one’s eyes and communicate spirit to spirit. He wanted permission to leave his body.
Wednesday, October 30th 1996 I was heading out my door to go to school, Duke was laying on the front porch. It was 8am and I had to catch a bus, I was in a hurry. Something stopped me from racing past Duke that morning. I stopped, patted him, looked him in the eyes. I said “Duke I love you. It is okay, you can let go, just give me a sign”. Two and a half hours later I was getting settled in my English class across town. The class was situated in a basement computer lab on campus, an hours bus ride away from my home. Logging into my computer I heard Duke crying; he had a distinctive cry . . . but it couldn’t be. It wasn’t logical, it was not rational. I looked around. I asked fellow students if they heard a cat and they had not. I knew Duke had let go and passed on.

When I returned home from school late that afternoon my mother attempted to avoid me. I corned her as she was watering plants and said “It is okay, he passed away at 10:30 this morning”. My mother stopped watering her plants and looked at me confused; she replied “I haven’t told anyone yet, how did you know”.
Spirit to spirit we are connected, whatever life form we take on.
If you are looking for evidence - just ask for a sign.

Naturally You

Your life journey is your own. By developing inner awareness, tuning into wisdom, and following intuition, you can live life from a place of inner peace and calm. Choose to reduce chaos in your life and live life naturally.

Personal Growth and Development

Personal problems extend beyond surface behavior, expectations, and feelings.  Disconnect from Self and unmet yearnings are the root of discontent. Yearnings for love, acceptance, inclusion, community, autonomy, respect, and reciprocity, are universal and tie to one’s core Self.  How can we remain true to our core Self and meet our yearnings constructively that does not stunt our personal growth and development?
When projecting greed, anger, guilt,  regret, arrogance, self-pity, resentment, inferiority, superiority, lies, false pride, attachment, lust, or ego; one cannot thrive, can become anxious, depressed, disconnected and growth stunted.
To overcome perceived obstacles, one can draw from their inner resources and practice the following: intuition, tolerance, honesty, humility, forgiveness, compassion, acceptance, gratitude, fortitude, humanity, self-service, universality.
Through developing and practicing the mentioned attributes; one can develop a life of joy, love, tranquility, truth, and faith, as one lives from a place of generosity, service, compassion, empathy, spirit, and wisdom. Keep in mind, it is key not to be attached to outcomes. 
Poor health stems from neglecting our core Self and natural human yearnings. We have the tools within to develop healthy lives; they simply need to be acknowledged and nurtured. 
As adults, we are responsible for our actions and reactions. Regardless of age, gender, society, or culture, we are human beings and have choice.

Seekers & Finders

EnlightenNext magazine (2011, Issue 47) Andrew Cohen comments on his journey seeking spiritual illumination and transitioning from seeker to finder.  Having experienced Spirit at a soulful level, Andrew comments on seekers need to take responsibility in what it means to be a finder and relinquish desire for more evidence of Spirit, more miracles, and proof of the Divine's existence. Andrew comments on his move into participating in life consciously and wholeheartedly, living life 'now' with the "greatest gifts we've been given"(p.112).

I write in appreciation of Andrew's article.  I to am a finder. I have experienced the Divine in many forms and initially developed a quest for more and more mystic experiences.  I had to learn to move on from compiling evidence and seeking thrill from mysticism. Having now embraced being a finder, and taking responsibility for the role, I experience life from a place of true potential.

Getting Through A Difficult Trend

When you perceive life is negative, it is essential not to further build, inflate, or imprint the negative pattern deeper into your consciousness, psychi, and daily dialogue. Harnessing negativing only strengthens the negative impact and draws more into your life.  The Law of Attraction.

The following suggestions can aid in handling negative trends:
  • Don't tell everyone about your difficult time as it enforces and imprints the negativity further in your mind and can be reflected back to you psychically by people you tell.
  • Never feel that GOD has failed you or you have failed GOD as this will only prolong the negative trend and prevent your MIND from being open to positive new trends.
  • Develop awareness of new ideas about your life.  Be open to 'signs', intuition, coincidences.
  • Practice meditation daily to be receptive to higher consciousness. 
  • We exist from a place of love; therefore, love life even during stress and misfortune.
Self Analysis Exercise
To access UNIVERSAL MIND, to obtain insight about the negative trends in your life, ask the following:
  • What is the universe trying to tell me about making positive changes in my life?
  • What at this time needs to be eliminated from my life? What needs to be added?
  • What in my thought pattern has constructed the present trend?
  • What am I holding on to? What do I need to let go of?
  • What in my thought pattern can be changed to bring about positivity?